Before Installing Decals
How to Get your Wall Ready for Vinyl and Fabric Decals
Do you know what kind of paint is on your wall?
Because the paint formulations are protected by trade secrets, it is difficult for any removable vinyl decal manufacturer to understand how film adhesives interact with these paints.
If you ordered wall decals then you should be aware of how these paints will affect your installation (for both vinyl or fabric decals)
These paints have shown issues when applying wall decals: (I will try to keep this list updated)
Benjamin Moore
KILZ PREMIUM High Hide Stain blocker.
What wall paint works best with VINYL Decals?
After testing for many years, the one that has shown always good adhesion is GLIDDEN ESSENTIALS Flat or Eggshell, and SHERWIN WILLIAMS Duration and Cashmere Flat. However, we cannot guarantee that will continue to work over the years since paint manufacturers change their formulas constantly and they do make public announcements when they do.
We have found through extensive testing that there is no single vinyl decal or adhesive that works “best” on each paint tested. In fact, one vinyl decal can perform well on one paint and poorly on another paint.
What happens if I purchase a printed vinyl decal and I have painted my walls with one of these paints on the list? The decal will either lift, curl or create air bubbles underneath.
However, by following the guide on Adhesion Cleaning Method prior to installation, and our PRO TIPS during installation, you can quickly, easily and successfully prepare your wall to accept vinyl decals. If you have not done so and need help re-applying your falling off the wall decals, read this.
Simple steps can maximize vinyl decal adhesion.
Follow our Pro TIPS to ensure the best chance for vinyl adhesion.